OK for foreign operators

Do you want to operate in OK as a foreign HAM radio operator? Are you asking: Are there any special restrictions? How to apply for a license? Maximum power? …

First, if you have a CEPT licence, you can operate from OK for up to 3 months, using prefix OK/ (no need to use any local district numbers, we aren’t using this system in OK). Use /M for mobile, /P for portable.

Czech republic has 2 radioamateur operator classes: A (equal to CEPT Harec) and N (equal to CEPT Novice). There are not any special rules for foreign operators, HAMs with foreign HAREC licence may operate as A class, holders of NOVICE CEPT licence may operate as N class. Only 10 Watts are allowed for N class! (not typical 100W)

If you want to operate from OK for more, than 3 moths, you can apply for a guest licence at Czech Telecommunication Office. Send a copy of your licence and HAREC certificate to:
Czech Telecommunication Office
P.O. Box 02
225 02 Prague 025
Czech Republic
website: https://ctu.eu (in English)
The administrative fee for application is 500 CZK. You can specify the callsign you wish to obtain: OK8 and 2, or 3 letters. The OK8 segment is reserved for foreign licences.

Callsigns in OK:
OK0 and 1-3 letters: automatic stations (repeaters, beacons), excluding APRS digis
OK1-OK7 and 2-3 letters: A Class
OK8 and 2-3 letters: Foreign licences
OK9 and 3 letters: N Class
OK1-OK7; OL0-OL9 and 1 letter: contest calls
OL5 and 3 letters: interested groups (now only OL5DIG)
Special, event callsigns are OL and other letters and numbers
OK1, OK2, consequenced with K, O, or R and two letters are club stations. Unlis OP may operate as N Class under club callsign under supervision of A Class operator.

Maximum power to be used and bands:
P = primary
S = secondary
NIB = non-interference base

A Class max power (if not specified lower): 750 W
N Class max power: 10W
In international contests (for A Class): 1500W inside town, city, …, 3000W outside of civilisation
50 MHz maximum power 25W

A Class
FromToStatus and power restrictions
135,70 kHz137,80 kHzS
1 810 kHz1 850 kHzP
1 850 kHz1 890 kHzNIB 75W
1 890 kHz2 000 kHzNIB 10W
3 500 kHz3 800 kHzP
7 000 kHz7 100 kHzP
7 100 kHz7 200 kHzP
10 100 kHz10 140 kHzS
10 140 kHz10 150 kHzS
14 000 kHz14 350 kHzP
18 068 kHz18 168 kHzP
21,00 MHz21,45 MHzP
24,89 MHz24,99 MHzP
28,00 MHz29,70 MHzP
50 MHz52 MHzNIB 25W
144 MHz146 MHzP
430 MHz440 MHzP
1 240 MHz1 300 MHzS
2 300 MHz2 450 MHzS
3 400 MHz3 410 MHzNIB 25W
5 650 MHz5 850 MHzS
10,00 GHz10,50 GHzS
24,00 GHz24,05 GHzP
24,05 GHz24,25 GHzS
47,00 GHz47,20 GHzP
75,50 GHz76,00 GHzP
76,00 GHz77,50 GHzS
77,50 GHz78,00 GHzP
78,00 GHz81,00 GHzS
122,25 GHz123,00 GHzS
134,00 GHz136,00 GHzP
136,00 GHz141,00 GHzS
241,00 GHz248,00 GHzS
248,00 GHz250,00 GHzP
N Class
1 830 kHz1 850 kHz
1 850 kHz2 000 kHz
3 550 kHz3 700 kHz
21,050 MHz21,200 MHz
28,050 MHz28,400 MHz
144 MHz146 MHz
430 MHz440 MHz
1 240 MHz1 300 MHz
2 300 MHz2 450 MHz
3 400 MHz3 410 MHz
5 650 MHz5 850 MHz
10,00 GHz10,50 GHz
24,00 GHz24,05 GHz
24,05 GHz24,25 GHz
47,00 GHz47,20 GHz
75,50 GHz76,00 GHz
76,00 GHz77,50 GHz
77,50 GHz78,00 GHz
78,00 GHz81,00 GHz
122,25 GHz123,00 GHz
134,00 GHz136,00 GHz
136,00 GHz141,00 GHz
241,00 GHz248,00 GHz
248,00 GHz250,00 GHz
N Class hasn’t got any special power restrictions – 10W on all bands

Practical information

Database of Czech HAM repeaters: http://prevadece.smoce.net/seznam-prevadecu/cz/ (in Czech but Google translator will help)
On 2m repeaters NFM is used, on 70cm normal FM.
Digital voice info: there are 2 DMR networks in OK: OK-DMR and Brandmeister. OK-DMR isn’t connecting to any other network, BM is international and you can find the list of DMR repeaters on their page: brandmeister.network
Main DMR TG is 230, permanently linked on TS1 of all repeaters.
D-Star: centre of activity DCS019B
C4FM: WIRES-X Moravia room, YSF CZ Czech

APRS frequencies: 144.8; 432.5 MHz (mostly used 2m band)

Tips for local activity

Moon Contest is a VHF/UHF contest mostly run on FM on Wednesday evenings. https://ok2vbz.waypoint.cz/mc/en/conditions/ (English)
FM Cup is a VHF contest on 2’nd Saturday of the month: http://fmpohar.nagano.cz/ (Czech)
Czech VHF/UHF/SHF activity: http://ok1kpa.com/pa/ (English/Czech)

You are always welcome in Czech Republic!

73, OK2DDS